KIT 17 was born and still lives in the Bronx, New York and began writing his name on New York City buses. In 1974 At the age of 13 He graduated to the New York City subway trains after being introduced to the yards by Mark 198 and Hysen, founding members of Mission Graffiti crew aka MG Boys. This crew was instrumental during the mid to late 1970’s, and instrumental in pushing forward the new subway train era in New York City Graffiti History. Known as a Colourist Kit 17 produced a significant amount of work painting on 100’s of New York City subway trains.
His graffiti has been featured in the documentary films: Watching my name go by (BBC, 1976), 80 blocks from Tiffany’s (1979) and Stations of the elevated (1981), as well in the books: The History of American Graffiti (Caleb Neelon & Roger Gastman, 2011), Fuzz one: a Bronx childhood, 2005 (Vincent Ferdorchak), Don 1 the King from Queens ( Louie Gasparro, 2014) Graffiti New York( Eric Felisbret, 2010) and Classic Hits ( Alan Fleisher, Paul Iovino, 2012).
Still actively painting graffiti, KIT 17 also works on canvas that explores abstract art letter Styles, color palette and designs reminiscent of his days fighting his way through the subway yard to get his name up. These paintings explore memories, inspirations and document a history that evaporated before the impact of graffiti captured by the mass media in the 1980’s. His work is collected privately and shows in Gallery exhibitions throughout the US and Europe.